Refund & Returns Policy

General Refund Policy

At Genesis Reading, we strive to ensure complete satisfaction with every purchase. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a refund or exchange within 30 days of the purchase date. Please note the following conditions:

1. Digital Products:

1.1 Downloadable Games: As our downloadable games are delivered for immediate download, they are not refundable.

2. Physical Products:

2.1 Non-Pre-Order Items: Physical products can be returned for a refund or exchange within 30 days of purchase, provided they are in their original condition and packaging. Shipping costs for the return will be the responsibility of the customer unless the return is due to a defect or error on our part.

2.2 Pre-Order Items: Pre-order items, such as our new physical boxed game, can be refunded within 30 days of placing the pre-order. After 30 days, pre-order cancellations and refunds will only be accepted if the minimum number of pre-orders is not met, and the production does not proceed.

3. Specific Refund Policy for Pre-Ordered Physical Boxed Games

For our physical boxed game available on pre-order:

3.1 Early Cancellation: You may cancel your pre-order and receive a full refund within 30 days of placing the order.

3.2 After 30 Days: If you wish to cancel your pre-order after 30 days, a refund will only be issued if the game does not meet the minimum pre-order numbers and does not go to print.

3.3 Production Delays: Should there be any delays beyond the anticipated 8-12 week production and shipping period, we will notify you promptly. If you choose to cancel due to these delays, you will receive a full refund.

3.4 Discount Validity: The early bird discount of 50% off the RRP will be honored for all valid pre-orders, even if production timelines are extended.

4. Return Process

4.1 To initiate a return or refund, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] with your order number and details of your request. Once your return is approved, you will receive instructions on how to proceed.

4.2 Refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days of receiving the returned item or approving the cancellation.

Thank you for shopping with Genesis Reading. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are here to assist you with any questions or concerns.

For any questions, you may have [email protected]

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