Discover ‘Do You Have But?’

Explore our fun games backed by science to develop critical thinking skills and verbal expression.

Do You Have But? By Genesis Reading

Get ready to ask, “DO YOU HAVE BUT?” and Kick BUTT in this cheeky, syllable-matching showdown! Perfect for classroom settings, homeschooling, or family game nights, this game ensures that learning phonics is always a blast. 

Similar to bingo, you match your cards to the syllables on the game boards. 

Do You Have But? BUNDLE – Includes All 6 Levels


Do You Have But? The game for 2 “cheeky” players to identify syllables by sounding and matching 2-syllable words.

Level 1 Goal: ‘but/ton’ Closed syllables / short vowels and practice the schwa sound.
Level 2 Goal: ‘butt/head’ Vowel teams syllables and diphthongs.
Level 3 Goal: ‘re/but’ Open syllables / long vowels.
Level 4 Goal: but/ter’ Vowel-r syllables.
Level 5 Goal: ‘bare/butt’ Vowel Consonant-e syllables.
Level 6 Goal: ‘but/tle’ Final Stable Syllables.

This is a digital download file for you to print at home and start playing straight away.

Original price was: $132.00.Current price is: $98.00.

What students said after one of our VOWEL POWA(R) game nights…

"The best 2 hours my kid has spent..."

"When will the next game night be?"

"Vap-zin-ol! What a CRAZY word! And I LOVE your definition..."

"The funniest game night ever!"

"OMG - I've never laughed so hard!"

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